Our schedule

What we are offering to creative people.

There are many variations of passages, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text.

The creator dashboard

There are many new variations of pasages of available text.

The backer report

There are many new variations of pasages of available text.

Google Analytics

There are many new variations of pasages of available text.

Set a deadline project

There are many new variations of pasages of available text.
World is Full with Creativity

Together We can Bring More Creativity into the World

What these discussions will bring?

Discussion on IMS task

Focused on TL'S group work followed by Q/A session based on the presentation of the day. To book a slot, the Community Head will email the presentation to DF.
Session Duration: 100 minutes
Starts at 9 PM, PKT

Critical Analysis

Conducted by the IMS CA team. Focused on critical analysis of different topics / global arguments, content can be an article, video or any book.
Session Duration: 100 minutes
Starts at 9 PM, PKT

Skill Development / Emotional Intelligence / Information Sessions

The session timings and date will be announced whenever they are scheduled.