Raising Adolf Hitlers!

Lets clean our lens to look a little deeper. When we think of marriage, somehow we only think sex and with some foresight an infant child. That’s the strength of this telescope we all carry which usually is blurred with the dense fog of libido.
At that time we just never imagine 40 year old men and women who are going to be our sons and daughters one day. Somehow we just don’t let the light of the next 30 years come in our eyes. I think its high time to clean our scopes and prepare ourselves for the future of our kids before we get married. Prepare ourselves for the 40 year old active humans of the society that they will once become.
Your marriage should be the most important event for your kids life, not just the most pleasurable week of your own life. And you shouldn’t be worried about having maniacs who are always hungry, with constant diaper requests, and yelling all night for no reasons. You should be more worried about many other things for many other reasons. You should be worried about maniacs with hunger of power, craze for authority, porn addicts, rapists, child abusers, cheats, murderers, dictators of immorality that you see everyday. Where do we draw the line between our children and these criminals?

Do we actually think that Hitler was never a 1 year old child? Or do we think every pharoh is born with a Crown attached to his head! Somehow we all somewhere in the back of our minds believe that these psychos were staring at the mid wives with a grin on their face when they come out? Were these were not regular, cute little children? Or do we just naturally assume and think that they just had, genetic disorders or at best some seriously irregular parenting? On the contrary, we have more samples of these criminals coming out of regular house holds and parents who think talk and behave just like us, and at times every better. These regular kids just didn’t find enough principles worth holding on to in those moments of truth.
Through our own subconscious bias we all tend to think of our own infants as future Gandhis and Jinnahs and Nobel and fields medal winners for mathematics and peace. And all this we believe shall be achieved with the tool of blind love and prejudiced affection that we give while we send them to school every day.

We never even think of what tools this child would actually require to grow up and throw away the golden crown of Ramesses if he ever got the opportunity, just to carry the wooden staff of Moses. And if our child doesn’t go to any of the extreme of both these cases, what makes us think he’ll be hovering around the bell curve trying his best to chose Moses and still be content at merely the effort? And by no means I can believe that we are setting any mediocre standards ‘by-design’ in the upbringing. We are giving him the extreme of our efforts, and training him on extreme fascinations only. Because if he’s not the first man on the moon we just don’t want to know his name.
He has to be the richest man in the world or the cutest chic in town, he has to be driving the fastest car on the planet, married to the hottest guy, live in the most expensive house, the tallest building. Only play in the big league, win a Grand Slam! Or score a home run. And lets not stop just at the Guinness book right? cause that’s just the scale of mere mortals living in this tiny little universe cause our kids now have to be the GOD of the business world, the ‘goddess’ of beauty! and why wont he right? I mean look at him, doesn’t he look like a little ‘Angel’. So my case is simple, this magnificent course of fascinations for our own kids has no weight of morals or any real sense of direction nor any worthy end in mind. So if anything, we are making sure he throws away the staff of Noah just to feel that glitter every single time he gets a chance since that is exactly what he sees his father chasing every day.
So the only thing you ought to be thinking before marriage is the damage your children might do to the world. And this is pretty obvious to happen if you have no capability of parenting them correctly. So, please get your self educated to be a purposeful parent and a purpose driven teacher.

Its a definite subject and there is a definite science behind it. If you are going ot be a father or specially a mother, I urge you to please start to Consult and research the Quran if only with this focus alone. This is the only book which covers every chapter your kids will ever get to encounter.

It is the only philosophy which links every chapter through the highest purpose and develops the most rational and exciting coherence between every aspect of life. The life of the Prophet S.W. signifies this very case for all us parents. If you dont want to be a scholar of Quran, then at least be a student of “parenting” and open this great Book. Parent a child with a good purpose. Dont bear children which will cause grief and depression to you and your community. Raise children which will relieve us from them.
If you do not have a complete book to gift your kids with enough chapters, that inevitably show high significance in different aspects of their lives, you cannot blame your kids of getting overwhelmed every time and writing their own books about every single chapter they come across. And they will do this with a very honest intent. Since these chapters through their appeal and follow ship will naturally overwhelm anyone of that age. This singularity and intellectual myopia is very normal for kids, and its exactly how the wisdom disseminates its self over time and our generations lose coherence between critical intricacies which are closely interlined in life. They start treating every issue in singularity (if at all) and complicate the rest of their lives. This linear thinking makes them intelligent in one and wise in none. And this path ends at little Adolf growing to crave for ‘Heil Hitlers’ everywhere he goes.

Loud echoes of immorality will reek in every one of their acts and words, with a clear tone of arrogance. This supreme coherence, in all the chapters of morality (which are invisibly twined) is the basis of decision making and develops the ability of evaluating circumstances and anticipating risks of breaching interests of humanity in the petty chase of our own whims. Isnt this the very basis of class and humility in individuals and communities?
Power, money, sex, authority, and all the rest of the vast oceans in which our kids will inevitably have to sail their lives are not only interlinked, but are at times literally inherited from each other in different contexts. Treating them in singularity, and letting time teach our kids these lessons is the biggest atrocity against not only our own children but the whole of humanity Since we not only dismantle morality from individuals, but we delay the process of their development and send them in the vicious circles of hunger & greed for every good looking thing that comes across.
Lets take sex as an example. Sex education is inevitable for our kids. Its not to be treated as a momentary whim, but a concept that has intricate links with other walks of life that are way more important and literally pave future decisions. And if we don’t teach these intricacies to our kids, then someone else will surely will teach them, and that too in total singularity and as a complete subject. And why wouldn’t he, since that someone will only be a 12 year old class mate of his who is going to treat your child as the lab rat for his own experiments. Since we are not teaching the big book in which sex is merely a chapter, our kids end up writing their own fat books of excitement and joy on this subject with the ink of curiosity. And by the time they will come out of the overwhelming intoxication of this subject and the intricate links it has with areas of morality, dignity and even just health and its repercussions on individual and community, it will be too late for them to do anything about it.
This fission reaction that we let to begin, with no intent of our own, takes an enormous turn in only one generation and becomes damaging beyond repair. This is why its for us to realize right now that the wisdom which we gain through time is not a luxury, its a responsibility through which we stop this perpetual cycle of damage.
Lets use the same curiosity and intelligence of our kids to set the clear course right from the beginning. Lets give a new name to family planning. Lets empower them right now to throw away the throne of Pharoh if it ever comes their way. Since by now we all realize that Pharoh’s strength was in wearing the crown and Musa’s strength was in taking it off. It only takes a whip to build the golden pyramids, but it takes courage to build the wooden ARK. Goals like Money, Power, Authority and the rest are the most powerful weapons of mass deconstruction which we are handing to our own children. So lets not raise little Adolf’s and Stalins, lets not waste our communities through our own kids.

There is a reason why you wont find that man anymore, who ran around town with joy and pride, when little Adolf was born. Who dares to claim the fatherhood of little Rasputin. Everyone wants Adlofs and no one wants Hitlers. Lets realize that our little Winston started preparing his big speech when he was only 4 year old, staring at his father, learning everything he’ll ever know about things that matter.
He merely delivered that speech in 1946. Just to save a little community he ruined the whole of humanity. This is what the curse of intelligence does when it walks towards power, and authority and away from morality and wisdom. So lets prepare ourselves to start raising Muhammad’s and Abraham’s A.S. instead so that we can save the humanity rather than a human, a city, a country, a race or in most cases, just ourselves. And all this we can do through the very own cradles in our homes.